
V For Visualization: A To Z On Mindfulness For Newbies #StayMindfulWithMSN

Welcome to A To Z On Mindfulness For Newbies

The twenty-second letter to be explored in A To Z on Mindfulness For Newbies is V. V is for Visualization.

Visualization is a healthy way of bringing positive energy into your mind, body, and spirit, and expanding your capacity for creativity. It is the use of mental imagery to obtain an objective.


Visualization is a healthy way of bringing positive energy into your mind, body, and spirit, and expanding your capacity for creativity. It is the use of mental imagery to obtain an objective.

Visualization is a way of using our mind to influence our body. It can be used in more innovative ways to relieve stress, reduce performance anxiety and boost up the energy level.


A To Z 2018 Challenge - V For Visualization


Mindfulness is living in the present, visualization is picturizing the future. Though they look like a contrary, both need a high degree of awareness and focus. Hence our mindfulness practice will get elevated through visualizing our goals and dreams.  They are not the same, but they are both great, and they can be practiced in tandem. 


How To Begin Visualization Meditation

  • Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Take few deep breaths. 
  • Imagine or visualize what you want to meditate on having a loving family, being healthy, helping the needy. Also, generate an image or idea about that in your mind.
  • Inhale deeply with all your potential and exhale gently your positive thought into the world.
  • Repeat these steps for few more times. Practicing this Visualization Meditation daily will make your dreams come true.


Simple Visualization Meditations 


Breathing Meditation 

Whenever you feel like you need to catch your breath, do these breathing meditations for instant relaxation.

Mantra Meditation

A mantra is a sound, a word or a phrase that you repeat slowly in a soft, easy rhythm while you meditate. Repeating mantras calm down and quite your mind. I used to chant OM Mantra daily that relaxes my body, mind, and soul.

Positive Affirmation Meditation

Learn the art of self-healing through the use of positive affirmations that helps to practice acceptance and let go. Some of my favorite positive affirmations are “I accept, appreciate and love myself, unconditionally”, “I am calm, relaxed, and in control”, and “I radiate peace and love to others”.

Body Scan Meditation

Your physical fitness is more essential as your mental fitness. Physical fitness plays an important role in your mindfulness. Without paying attention to your body, you can not become mindful. Body Scan Meditation (Mindfulness of the body meditation) is a great way to bring your focus to your body and bless your body parts.

Loving Kindness Meditation

Loving Kindness Meditation is a Buddhist Meditation Technique. Also called Meta Meditation“Metta” means directing goodwill and love toward all human beings. 



V For Visualization


Other words to explore 

Value, Vivid, Vantage, Veracious, Vouch


Mindfulness Challenge For The Day

“Leaves on a Stream” Meditation

Practice this “Leaves on a Stream” meditation.


Live In The Present

Visualize The Future


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