Welcome to A To Z On Mindfulness For Newbies
The seventeenth letter to be explored in A To Z on Mindfulness For Newbies is Q. Q is for Quiet.
Quiet is making no or little noise. Being quiet is making or becoming silent, calm and still.
Quiet is making no or little noise. Being quiet is making or becoming silent, calm and still.
My Favorite Quotes Of Being Quiet
Image Courtesy: Tame Your Wandering Mind
Image Courtesy: Askideas.com
Other words to explore
Also, do check for Midlife Quotes and Travel Quotes from my friends Aesha and Shilpa respectively.
Mindfulness Challenge For The Day
Go For A Nature Walk
Go for a gentle nature walk and fade into the environment around you, and listen for sounds you’d otherwise have missed. Be sure to stop and smell the flowers.
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Do you hear your monkey mind? What hacks do you really have for quieting your mind? Share your views with us …
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Ah! This monkey mind cannot be tamed easily. Yes, meditation helps, but how much it wanders even while meditation. They say that you must come back to meditation as soon as you realize that you have wandered away. And with practice, we may tame it better!
You are right, Shilpa !!!
Thanks for linking my post here, Vasantha ♥
It’s my pleasure, Shilpa !!!
Nothing like a good walk and some meditation to calm your inner soul. Loved the quotes Vasantha https://akswrites.com/2018/04/19/que-sera-sera-atozchallenge-blogchattera2z/
Thanks much, dear!!!
I liked the one that says “The quieter you become the more you hear”. It is so apt and fitting. It is also said that the quietest people have the loudest minds.
It’s true.
Quiet moments and staying still help us to reflect inwards!
True, Ramya !!!