
My Participation In BAR’s BarAThon Challenge – Day 5 Of #BarAThon

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BlogARhythm and BarAThon Challenge are most close to my heart. I have done it two times earlier. And very happy that this is my hat trick year doing this challenge. Today is Day 5 post – My Participation In BAR’s BarAThon Challenge.


My Participation In BAR’s BarAThon Challenge


You can read all my posts for BarAThon Edition 1 here. And I felt a warmth of love while writing this post for my hubby. It received nearly 50 comments. And while writing for my brother, I was left with red teary eyes. 

And learned a lesson from my son and also was able to make all our marriage dreams come true.


You can read all my posts for BarAThon Edition 2 here. Mindful was my word of the year for 2017. So I wrote about 7 EVERYDAY PRACTICES FOR MINDFUL MOMS. Sometime later, these seven posts helped me in creating my first ECourse. I had a great time doing this challenge. Really I enjoyed myself doing this.


My Participation In BarAThon

And for the third edition, you are enjoying the Secrets About Three Most Loved Blogging Challenges.

Hope you find this information valuable. Have you ever participated in BAR’s BarAThon Challenge? Share your thoughts in the comments……. 


Submitting this post for 

#BarAThon Edition 3 hosted by Blog-A-Rhythm


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28 thoughts on “My Participation In BAR’s BarAThon Challenge – Day 5 Of #BarAThon”

  1. It’s a delight reading your writings, Vasantha.

    And it’s so nice of you to share all your information with new bloggers! Lovely reading your contribution to the Bar-A-Thon over 3 times. WOW!

  2. Participation in such blogging challenges is a great way to connect with fellow bloggers and of course it’s good for our writing too and you experienced all that too. Great going, Vasantha!

  3. I have never participated in BAR. Just now read you other links. All we’re equally good. You are an amazing writer Vasantha. There is a simplicity in your writing which forms a connection

  4. Wow Vasantha, kudos to you for successfully completing all the series of this challenge. The zest for finishing all the challenges in time is different and gives a different level of satisfaction.

  5. BlogARhythm BarAthon Challenge this year brought in new posts, which touched the cords of heart, when someone talked about the relationship with husband and someone about brother.

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