This Mom’s Life series has gifted me with lovely friends on this blogosphere. Today I am having with me, my cute and adorable friend Sayeri Bhattacharya of Sayeri Diary. Our friendship got watered through Blog Commenting Tribe group.
She’s a proud mother of 3 years old son. Though he is naughty, he is her lifeline. Her friends also play an important role in her life and she loves to fight with her husband (it’s a Tom & Jerry kind of relationship :P. How sweet Sayeri, that’s why we have become friends.
She has done B.Sc in Zoology and started her job after that. When all her friends were doing Masters she was seeking a job. She didn’t have that condition to continue her studies. Her surroundings help her to be strong & responsible. Now she’s a Digital Marketing Professional with more than 6 years of experience. She loves her job and couldn’t ever think a day without it. She admits that she’s not a good cook and never liked to do daily household works (with all respect to Home Makers) rather she feels comfortable in her professional world.
Blogging is her passion.Whenever she gets the time she writes for her blog. Her blog is like her second child where she writes down all her ideas, random thoughts, styling stories etc. She loves dancing also. She has to balance her professional and personal life together. So she has planned everything in that way.
Her goals in life are wanting to give her parents all the happiness, fulfilling all their dreams, giving her child the best education. Also, want to see her name in the top 5 list of Indian Bloggers 🙂 All the very best, dear.
She’s beautiful soul both inside and outside as she wants to adopt a baby girl and give her the proper education. She hopes she will make it happen. May your hope become reality !!!
“I want to adopt a baby girl and give her the proper education. Hope I will make it happen”
– Sayeri
I am pleased to have Sayeri for today’s guest post. More truthful words flow from her heart.
- What three words describe you as a mother?
Responsible, Friendly & Loving.
- What’s the parenting rule you never break?
Help others always in what way it is possible. Do hard work & be responsible for life.
- And one rule you do break?
On weekends, we do Facebook together 🙂
- How do you spend time off for yourself?
Generally, I have a tight schedule so getting time for myself only is a big deal. Still, if I get time, I do Day Dreaming 🙂 and dancing with my son is on the list also.
- What’s the best part of your day?
After office, when I reach home, my son gives me a tight hug and called ‘MumMum’ with a smiling face. It feels heavenly.
- What’s your favorite guilty pleasure?
Gossiping with my Mom.
- What five things can always be found in your refrigerator?
Jam,Chocolate,Potato Fry, Daal & egg.
- What words describe you as a wife and a mom?
As a Wife: Dominating sometimes, Possessive & Crazy.
As a Mother: Caring, Funny & Disciplined.
- Do you have a family ritual that you love?
Before bedtime, we spend quality time all together. It can be chitchat, poking each other or taking funny photos!
- What are 3 best things you love to teach your child?
- Always help the needy people of our society.
- Do not ever disrespect others.
- Be honest & hardworking.
I thank you, Sayeri for your meaningful and loving answers. Happy to be connected with you, dear ……. <3 <3 <3
Enjoy reading This Mom’s Life stories of many other blogger friends too….. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Happy to feature other mommy friends also …… Interested can mail me:
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Thank you so much dear for featuring my story! I am blessed with good friends like you. A big hug.
Thanks much dear !!!
Enjoyed reading Sayeri interview and so much fun to know about such an amazing poem. I love how she worked when her friends studied and it always gives someone’s career an edge.
Thanks Vishal for your comments !!!
I enjoyed reading Sayeri’s interview and it was fascinating to learn about such an incredible poem. I admire her for working while her friends studied; this always gives someone’s career a boost.