
This MOM’s Life



Today I am so happy to share the mommy feelings of my dear friend Eva Fatmawaty of Ishlahii. She became friend with me recently through blogging. But I feel she’s being my friend for so many years. That much comfort I have with her. Thanks dear Fatma for so friendly to share your thoughts for me. She is a happy mother of 6 years old son. She is a fulltime Mom, a blogger, and a working home mom. She has graduated from Islamic Institute (2002) and from Information Management (2004). Her interests are writing, reading, graphic design and all about art.

 She says “Thank you very much for invitation to share a little things about my family. Lovely topic, indeed! Enjoy our great job as mothers!”

 Here comes her voice in ” This MOM’s Life “


1.   What three words describe you as a mother?

 Actually I have some, and these words describe me as a Mom; Loving mom, caring friend and discipline teacher. 

  1. What’s the parenting rule you never break?

 My son is 6 years now, I don’t give him specific rules for now, because he is still a child. He’s learning to worship his God, such as performing solat (prayer) and reading Qur’an. For the future, I’ll give him some rules especially about practicing his religion.

  1. And one rule you break?

 I give my son a choice to make his learning schedule. He can learn in anytime whenever he wants to. The important for me he can enjoy his learning activity. So, in this activity I give him freedom! 

  1. How do you spend time off for yourself?

I usually spend my time for blogging, learning design graphic, chatting with friends and reading.

  1. What’s the best part of your day?

 Morning. In this time I usually accompany my son and his cousin to learn, to play and to explore their talents. Before sleeping, we often discuss about various topics, such as religion, social, science and nature. 

  1. What’s your favorite guilty pleasure?

Spending time in blogging and WhatsApp. I’m blog addict. I’m trying to avoid some social media, so I can do blogging more than others.

  1. What five things can always be found in your refrigerator?
  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Nutrijell  (product of gelatin)

8.   What words describe you as a wife and a mother

I can’t describe specifically for these position. We need love, care, patience, trust, consistency, and many things to build a strong family.  

  1. Do you have a family ritual that you love?

We have some, for instances: we usually meet together in our grandparents’ house after prayer I’dul fitri, iedul adha (Islamic ceremonies days) and visiting the graves of our family who had passed away. We prayed for them! 

  1. What are 3 best things you love to teach your child?

I have great things, and these are my great 3:

  • To be a righteous Muslim .
  • To be a workaholic (think smart and work smart)
  • To love his family entirely.





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