How To Inspire Your Teens For Their Bright Future By Passing On Our Values And Hopes? Today we have Kriti Dutta with us. We got introduced through her email request for a guest post. Thanks, Kriti for reaching out to me for this guest post.

A recent study reflected that 77% of baby boom say it is essential to gain values and life lessons from their predecessor. They also preferred to preserve their parent’s traditions, values, hopes and memories more than any financial inheritance.
Building a legacy is growing popular as the individual are showing much interest in passing sown of assets one cannot count as finance, from generation to generation. Preservation of life’s stories, memories, hopes, and values are extremely important.
Financial inheritance is good but the intangible values and hopes and the tangible memories one receive from the ancestors are of utmost significance. Well, you must be thinking now how to successfully pass on your family values, traditions, and hopes to your teens. Let us find an answer together. It will be difficult as the generation is technology driven but it’ll not be impossible.
Here are a few tips on How To Inspire Your Teens For Their Bright Future By Passing On Our Values And Hopes? …..
How To Inspire Your Teens For Their Bright Future By Passing On Our Values And Hopes?
Spend Quality Time To Know What Really Matters To Them In Life
Talk to your kids and spend quality time to know what really matters to them in their life. Ask them what do they value, ask them about the ethics they had been following and.iscuss with them about their aspirations and goals. Try and get to know what they think about their future. What’s their idea of love, relationships, friends, family, and career?
MSN Additional Suggestion: Spending quality time with your teens will strengthen your relationship bond. Be a role model in their career selection and achieving their life goals.
Purchase A Flash Drive To Store Pictures
It is very important to preserve pictures and slides and videos, they are the stored memories one get a chance to cherish about later in life. So get a flash drive to store all the memories you have. These images and video clips will become treasured proprietorship for generations to come.
MSN Additional Suggestion: Treasure your family time as memories in different formats. we have our teen son’s every first thing in a treasure box to cherish for his lifetime.
Ask The Right Things
Just Yes and No won’t work move beyond it and dive deeper. Ask questions to them, how they feel about their future and what is their ambition in life. Ask them regarding their adulthood and their favorite childhood memories. Discuss with them about their dreams, hopes, and aims.
MSN Additional Suggestion: Handling teens are trickier and tougher phase in parenting. So ask the right things to your teens to understand and know them better. Be friendly with them.
Identify Their Strengths
Tell them about your strengths and weaknesses. Tell them related stories from your life. Help them with ideas to enhance their strengths and fight with their weaknesses.
MSN Additional Suggestion: Tell them your real stories of how hard you worked to claim the ladder of success in life. Also, suggest them about various aspiring and promising career options such as civil services, freelance writing, journalism, and media expertise. Enroll them in civil services coaching, freelance writing workshops, and journalism courses.
Tell Them True Stories
Creating a memory book? Or writing everything down? Keep everything simple and true. It should be absolutely true to the narrator’s experience. Make home videos to record stories which later generations can watch. It’s the best way to pass on your legacy to them. You can tell them the stories of their grandfather of your grandfather. There might be many brave stories or stories of recession or stories of the time of war. Let them know all of it through you.
MSN Additional Suggestion: Create Family Happy Journal. Have some family traditions and functions to connect with different generations. We love our monthly family get-togethers.
So these were so simple ways by which you can pass on your family values and hopes to your next generation teens. Yes, it’s really necessary as it serves and helps you to be a role model to your kids and teens. So record it all, write it down and preserve. Preserving your values, hopes and family tradition is as important as preserving financial assets for your coming generations.
Do you love to pass on your values and hopes to your teens? What tips do you use for passing on the legacy to them? Please share with us ….. We are very eager to hear you ……
Author’s Bio
Kriti Dutta is an Indian Writer by profession and lover of exploring new ways to write and polish her skills. Through her writings, she is giving the parents a relief that parenting is not such a difficult task and by following few steps you can become a good parent. Also, she even tries to provide latest fashion trends for kids through her blogs. She has been writing for Babycouture from past 5 years i.e (2013).
The key value that I always stress on is identifying and respecting ones strengths. Working one ones core, helps build confidence thus enhancing a better personality. Of course, spending time, brings in an overall mental well being.
That’s true, Ramya!
That’s a great guide, Vasantha. Often, it is intangible things that we always cherish and not things.
Thanks for this post.
That’s great information! You have put lots of efforts into preparing this wonderful material! It helps lots of people! Useful information. I am very happy to read this. Thanks for giving us this useful information.