Feeling proud and happy to be a women. As a part of ” Monthly Blogging Special – Women Special “, this post is to highlight new women bloggers. And here are the featured women bloggers for the month September 2015. Do visit their blogs and give your kindness.
- Lakshmi Srivatsan of Maa Simply Too Good. Reach her @ lakshmi.srivatsan@gmail.com. She like to share with us, her best recipes | Healthy | Tasty | Quick and Easy | Natural | Organic | Vegan | Gluten free | and entertaining tit bits of her world in Chennai, India. Hope her contributions benefit, inspire, encourage and empower you, to help yourself, because she believe everyone can! She speaks for ” Women Special ” as –Born to shop. 👜👡 Forced to cook. 🔪♨ Then, how come a food blog? You may ask. Well, if you can’t beat them join them. To get the best of both worlds, I shop to cook. Grocery shopping, here I come.Once I accepted the fact, that I am in charge of feeding 3 Food connoisseurs (also my inspirations) in the family, who apparently think that my favourite activities are cooking, cleaning and working, are none other than, my 2 daughters (also my biggest fan girls) Sruti & Tanvi and Pa, my dear husband Sri, lead me to conclude, that I might as well hone up my culinary art skills.Soon fell in love with food, which is the key power in my life! Wondering how? As now, I don’t strive in the kitchen to make my presence noticed but to make my absence felt.
Taking the first footstep with a good thought ‘Food’, the second with a good word ‘Recipes’ and third with a good deed ‘Healthy and Tasty cooking’. I entered Paradise ‘Home cooked food’ – New thought philosophy author. Follow on, enjoy, have fun and be sure to add loads of the secret ingredient – LOVE 💖
- Elainemitch of sandwiches to caviar – a mum a daughter a wife a million. You can reach her @ elainem69@gmail.com. She launched her blog recently. It is her life journal. Called Sandwiches to Caviar. She love to write and to have fun . She do hope this comes across in her conversational style of writing. She’s a speaker, coach and blogger. Looking forward to making a gratitude ripple across the www. She’s a sandwich generator caring for her elderly parents (Mum now in a nursing home close to passing) Dad almost 88 needing attention and care as his life partner fades. She has two children and a husband with depression. She’s a fully trained coach and looking to make a million pounds £1.00 at a time.. Hence the Caviar. She hope you enjoy her blog and style.
- Ramya of fantastic feathers. She started her blog around 6 years ago, just to try what it will look like and now it has become a part of her life. Mostly, you will see book reviews and travel experiences in her blog. Now, she’s also writing on general issues and some random thoughts which are worthy a share.You can reach her @ ramyaelr@gmail.com
Friends, get featured by sending your blogging story to vivekvasantha@gmail.com.
Highly appreciate it! Thanks a lot Vasantha 🙂
Thanks for featuring my blog Vasantha
You are welcome, Ramya ….