With this “Chill Chat With Cool Bloggers” series, I feel extremely happy to feature my best blog buddy and a veteran blogger Puspanjalee Das Dutta of My Writing, My World. She blogs about Blogging, Making money writing. Her blogging tips and strategies are my favorites.
She’s a very experienced blogger in this blogosphere. Shee has already shared her blog success mantra for our readers while celebrating our third blog anniversary last year. Also, she has shared about her love for her mom to our readers. Today I am delighted to learn again many innovative blogging strategies from him through this chill chat.
We had our chill chat to know more about her successful blogging journey and her fun side too. Carry on to enjoy her words of wisdom.
Chill Chat With Cool Blogger Ms. Puspanjalee Das Dutta
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Hello, Puspa! Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Puspanjalee Das Dutta: I am an online writing and blogging coach. I started blogging in 2011 but I turned to professional blogging in 2013. Since then, my blog has won several accolades including Top Indian Bloggers, Top 50 Mompreneurs’ blog in the world and Indian Bloggers award, 2017.
I also have a second blog where I promote food and travel in my native state, Assam. I’m also a published author and an academic book editor.
Q1.An ever since moment in your blogger life or your turning point in blogging.
Puspanjalee Das Dutta: The birth of my son has tremendously changed my life and the approach to my blog. Suddenly, it was more important to be at home looking after my kid and while looking for an option to earn money led to more professional blogging.
When I decided that I need to earn money while staying at home, I have no other option but to invest my whole time and energy on my blog. That was my turning point and I have not regretted it till now.
Q2. Your definition of blog success.
Puspanjalee Das Dutta: For me, the blogging success means to help as many people as I can to earn money through blogging and writing. There are millions of new moms who feel lost after having kids and quitting jobs just like me. I want to help anyone who wants to grow their writing and blogging career.
For me, when someone says that your tips have helped me to get published, it is a success for me. I do not obsess over social media following but I do oblige any request to write about something on my blog.
For me, my community is important and their success is what I call my blog success
For me, my community is important and their success is what I call my blog success.
– Puspanjalee Das Dutta
Q3. Your top 2 regular practices that have helped you in blogging.
Puspanjalee Das Dutta:
- Writing consistently, even if I do not post every day. I write at least 500 words every day and it has helped me to create an online business based on my blog. I offer content management to people who are looking for and this habit has helped me a lot.
- Interaction with the community. I answer all the blogging queries that come to me. Be it on social media or email, I try to read everything and answer the questions. It has helped me a lot in growing relations and my blog.
Q4. Your motivational factor for your best blog.
Puspanjalee Das Dutta: My readers’ community. As I already told that my community is my strength. Whenever someone says that they love my tips and got results, it always motivates me.
Of course, money is another factor which indirectly motivates me to put my 100% into anything I do.
Q5. One relationship who contributed to making your blog.
Puspanjalee Das Dutta: My relation with my family. Being a full-time blogger has helped me to nurture my family and take care of my son while earning money online.
Q6. One factor, out of your comfort zone in blogging.
Puspanjalee Das Dutta: Videos. I hate making videos that involve me but when you want to give your best in teaching something, you have to put yourself forward and make interactive videos. I go live on every Monday on my Facebook page and teach blogging or writing tips on my Facebook page. Initially, I was uncomfortable but right now, I look forward to it to interact with my community.
Q7. A book / movie / person / blog that transformed you.
Puspanjalee Das Dutta: I am a bookworm and movie buff, so cannot pinpoint a single book or movie but I do owe my blogging journey to Bongmom’s Cookbook blog. It was her blog which motivated me to start my own blog. It is the reason that I write about food and travel in my other blog www.foodieontheroad.com.
Q8. Your strength and weakness as a blogger.
Puspanjalee Das Dutta: My strength is my love for blogging and my desire to help more people to blog. And if I count my weakness, I should mention my inability to maintain my food blog regularly as I devote more time to my primary blog.
Q9. One principle you are proud of.
Puspa: Community over the competition. This is the principle I follow and proud to help my community with my resource library on the blog and help whenever I can to anyone who asked for it.
Q10. Blogging tips to share with your readers.
Puspanjalee Das Dutta: Well, I would love to share some basic blogging tips.
- Always maintain consistency in your blogging.
- Always answer your comments. This is the only place to know what your readers are thinking and expect from you.
- Do not write for search engines. Write for your audience. The traffic and revenue would follow you automatically.
- Always put a pinnable image in your blog post. Pinterest is a powerful platform and by giving your readers a beautiful image to pin, you increase your chance to grow your blog.
Bullet Questions
Best Blog – The Finely Chopped.
Best Blogger Friend – Somdutta Sengupta of My Friday Food Swings.
Best Dream – A fiction.
Best Food – Home Cooked Assamese Meal.
Best Book – Many books, Can’t Choose One.
Best TV Series – Many.
Best Life Motto – Community Over Competition
Thanks much Puspa for this awesome interview. You never failed to make me inspired and this interview is the perfect highlight. We feel proud to have you as our Featured Cool Blogger.
Dear readers, please leave your queries, if any, in the comment section and we will try to get them answered by her.
Meet you at next chill chat with another cool blogger !!!
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Featured & Pinnable Image Courtesy: Canva & Pexels
Thank you so much for featuring me and sharing my journey here. It was lovely talking to you. Keep blogging!
It’s my pleasure always!
So many things to learn from her. Will surely check her blog too.
You are right.
What i like is i find so much in common with this person… Its like reading my own diary in many ways 🙂
That’s interesting, Roshan!
It was nice knowing Puspanjalee. I agree wrote for your audience. Today everyone is running behind review yet generation and getting affected by the competition that somewhere the true writing is getting lost.
Thanks, Alpana!
I am loving this series Vasantha. It is so inspirational to read about Pushpanjalee. I am about to add a good quality pinnable image to my posts so that Pinterest helps in driving traffic to my posts.
Sure, you have to try, Geethica!
I am loving your series where you bring in all these interesting bloggers and achievers. Wishing Pushpanjalee all the very best for her future.
Glad you liked this series!
I agree that writing consistently and interacting with the readers does wonder to your blogging. Everyday writing keeps your writing skills sharp and helps you to build an audience who is interested in what you have to share.
True, Shilpa!
This is such an amazing way to learn about so many bloggers. Thanks for the series.