Welcome to Part 7 of 2-week-long blog series for newbie bloggers – “Blog Your Heart Away”
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Hope my BYHA blog series is helping you to grow your blog. If you have your blog already, then it’s great! If not, start your free today.
Are you the one worrying about your traffic? Have you ever felt discouraged after publishing a post and not getting the proper reach? Do you earn a decent income from your blog? Are your subscribers turning into your paying customers?
If you answered No for more than one, then you are making these 8 Deadly Blogging Mistakes as a newbie blogger. Don’t worry. I also did the same blogging mistakes when I started my blog back in 2014. And I learned how to fix those mistakes with time and effort as an investment. Now you need not waste your time and effort. I will provide you a list of blogging mistakes and how to fix them.
Here are the 8 Deadly Blogging Mistakes To Avoid As A Newbie Blogger And How To Fix Them. My solutions are simple, actionable, and practical ones that save your time and money. You will thank me later for this.
Blog Your Heart Away Blog Series Part 7: 8 Deadly Blogging Mistakes To Avoid As A Newbie Blogger And How To Fix Them
Blogging Mistake 1: Not Having A Self Hosted Blog
Though starting a blog for free is attractive and easy, it is not going to help you in the long run. Free blogs have limitations in their functions and add ons. It’s highly difficult to monetize from a free blog. You don’t have any control over your blog.
How To Fix: Get your blog self hosted by a popular hosting company. There are many hosting providers with different features and packages. You do your research and decide the hosting to self-host your blog. My hosting provider is Host My Blog.
Real Benefits Of Self Hosting:
- Builds trust and authority.
- More control over your blog.
- Good for SEO.
- Your blog will load faster.
- High security and privacy.
- Easy for monetization.
- Improved functionalities.
You may also like: How To Start A Blog For Free In 5 Easy Steps
Blogging Mistake 2: Not Being Consistent
Many will start a blog and post many articles at the start. Then they will run out of blog post ideas or they suffer blogger burn out. Thus the blog fails in a year or so.
How To Fix:
- Have a Mission Statement for your blog.
- Formulate Short & Long Term Blog Goals.
- Have a good Content Plan / Content Strategy.
- Use Editorial Calendars / Blog Planners.
- Note down any blog post ideas for future reference.
- Read blog posts of other bloggers.
- Stick to your content plan no matter what.
- Learn To Say No.
- Subscribe to newsletters of popular bloggers.
You May Also Like: Top 5 Productivity Hacks For Busy Bloggers
Blogging Mistake 3: Being A Freebie Hunter
How To Fix: Blueprint To Do More In Less Time
Stop collecting freebies and start creating one.
Stop your negative mind voice.
Start your day with more energy and positivity.
Uninstall all apps on your mobile.
Mute all notifications.
Avoid any distractions.
Have a Weekly / Monthly plan for all your works.
Use the Pomodoro technique to do your tasks.
Take mindful breaks.
Note down your time wasters and work on it.
Tick off the tasks on your to-do list as you finish them.
Have a happy sweet night sleep.
Blogging Mistake 4: Having Shiny Object Syndrome
You are attracted by everything and anything on the market. This is referred to as Shiny Object Syndrome. You become a collector, not an executor. Only action takers will reach their goal and win their blogging race.
How To Fix:
- Have a list of your favorite bloggers.
- Follow their Social Media accounts.
- Subscribe to their newsletters.
- Join their free Facebook groups.
- Do your research before any purchase or sign-ups.
- Don’t fall for any fancy marketing tactics.
- Don’t ever compare your first baby step with others’ giant leaps.
- Develop Positive and Growth Mindset.
Join My Free Facebook Group: Blog To Biz Mastermind Group
Blogging Mistake 5: Not Following Best SEO Practices
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is very crucial to get organic traffic to your blog. It helps your post rank on the Google Search page. Your blog is like your personal diary without SEO. No one will read your blog as no one will read your diary.
How To Fix: Follow Best SEO Practices
- Write blog posts that your readers want.
- Write long informative posts.
- Doing Best Keyword Research.
- Balance your categories.
- Use SEO Plugins like Yoast, RankMath.
- Write catchy headlines.
You may also like: SEO Simplified Ebook For Bloggers
Blogging Mistake 6: Not Having An Email List
I did this mistake and am regretting it still. Have you heard the phrase “Money is in your list”? It’s really a true statement. Building your own mail list is the best way to convert your readers or raving fans into buying customers.
How To Fix:
- Sign up for any Email Marketing Service like Mailchimp, Mailerlite, or ConvertKit.
- Create subscriber forms and free opt-ins.
- Send Welcome Mail Series.
- Send Weekly / Monthly Newsletters.
- Grow and nurture your email list.
- Promote your blog posts and affiliate offers.
- Run contests and giveaways for your subscribers.
Sign Up Today: For MailerLite and get $20 credit when you upgrade and start sending beautiful newsletters. Its free for 1000 subscribers and 10,000 mails per month.
Blogging Mistake 7: Weak or No Pinterest Strategy
You are not using the power of Pinterest Marketing. For me, one of the major sources for my blog traffic is Pinterest. If you fail to market and promote your blog properly, then your blog will fail to grow and earn.
How To Fix:
- Learn Pinterest Dos and Don’ts.
- Have a strong Pinterest Strategy.
- Create professional images using Canva.
- Use good quality stock photos.
- Work on Pinterest SEO.
Blogging Mistake 8: Trying To Be Omnipresent
I did this mistake in an earlier stage of my blogging journey, though I run my blog as a solo person still now. You want to be omnipresent and spread yourself too thin. But the hard-hitting truth is you can not be a jack of all arts.
How To Fix:
- Do the right things at the right time.
- Have a focus on your blog goals.
- Do one thing at a time.
- Have patience and be consistent.
- Collaborate with successful bloggers and entrepreneurs.
- Don’t carry success to your head and failures to your heart.
- Know about skills and limitations well.
- Have a better role model or inspiring mentor to motivate and support you.
Ready To Crack The Pinterest Code And Grow Your Blog Traffic Today? : Grab your copy of “The She Approach To Making Pinterest Possible” now.
Blogging is not hard. Blog smart and patience is the key to see your best results. This post helps to avoid these deadly blogging mistakes and to become a successful blogger.
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Don’t miss to read my next post “Blog Your Heart Away Part 8: 10 Must-Have Free Plugins For Beginner Bloggers
Feel free to help your friends to read this blog series!
Read the previous posts in BYHA series:
- Blog Your Heart Away (BYHA)
- How To Start A Blog For Free In 5 Easy Steps
- How To Structure A Perfect Blog Post
- Essential Action Steps To Take Before And After Publishing A Blog Post
- Top 9 Types Of Blog Posts That Go Viral
Pin Image Courtesy: Photo by Plann from Pexels
Nice and informative article