
Success Mantra Of Bloggers: 11 Popular Bloggers Revealing Their Secrets

My Sweet Nothings is celebrating its Third Blog Anniversary this September. Super excited and happy about this success. This blog was created with a mindset to share all that lingers in my mind. Now it has grown into multi-dimensions as an emerging Lifestyle Blog

MSN had originally created as a free WordPress blog during September 2014. And it went self-hosted during November 2016. And was upgraded to a secure and fast server during July 2017. A long journey from a novice to a growing blogger.


Quotes on Success
Image Credit: Pinterest


On this special occasion,  I have immense pleasure in thanking all my readers, blogger friends, brands, hosting provider, well-wishers, family, and friends from the bottom of my heart. 

For celebrating my third blog anniversary, I approached my blogger friends to share their blog success mantras for our readers. And every one of them responded with enthusiasm and more positively.  I feel honored to have such wonderful and encouraging friends. So here goes “Success Mantra Of Bloggers: 11 Popular Bloggers Revealing Their Secrets” ……

Success Mantra Of Bloggers: 11 Popular Bloggers Revealing Their Secrets



  • Be passionate To Learn

“My presence in the blogging space has been helped by 3 important things – Community, Passion, and Willingness to learn. A decade has passed since I began blogging and here’s looking forward to a decade more.” – Shailaja Vishwanath, Writer, Editor & Blogger at The Moving Quill & Diary of a Doting Mom.


  • Be Ready To Work Hard                       

“Writing is a basic skill for becoming a blogger. When I’m talking about writing, it doesn’t mean write like an expert but writes like an individual.  A blogger should be disciplined and be always ready to learn. Blogging needs lots of hard work, research, and long working hours”. – Romila, Author, Poetess, Writer & Blogger at Novemberschild.


  • Look To Evolve   

“What worked for my blog was that I kept looking to evolve. I listened to feedback from the comments by fellow bloggers and improved my style of writing as the years went by.” Roshan Radhakrishnan, Anesthesiologist, Short Story Author & Blogger at Godyears.


  • Engage With Relatable Content

“Your blog is an extension of your thoughts, so it must be just that, You in a blog! Content that is closest to your heart and most spontaneous is your niche content. Your posts must be relatable, engaging, entertaining, or informative enough to capture the attention of a casual reader on the net. 

Keep your writing crisp, yet captivating.  Sharing, connecting with like-minded bloggers, being part of blogging communities is vital for your blog.”Kala Ravi, Interior Designer, Bibliophile, Decor & Lifestyle Blogger at relaxnrave.



  • Be Open For Feed Back

“Own what you write, Retain your humility and always be open to feedback. – Sid Balachandran,  Part-time Writer, Full-time Stay At Home Dad & Blogger at iwrotethose.


  • Keep Updating Regularly

“Write right and post regularly. Read other bloggers. Leave genuine comments and share their posts. Keep updating your knowledge, perspective, and help others along the way. 

Do unto other Bloggers what you expect other Bloggers to do unto you, is the self-imposed rule I follow for Blogging.”Mayuri Nidigallu, Author, Tarot Card Reader, Reviewer, Traveler & Lifestyle Blogger at srimiri.


  • Be Unique And Patient 

“Decide your forte, work on it dedicatedly, Have a clear vision of what and how to work Be unique, never copy it will not only make you look fake but also will fade in the long-term. Be thankful for what you have and who supports you. Always be patient.” – Menaka Bharathi, Organic Food Producer, Mompreneur at SIM ORGANICS, Parenting Consultant & Mom Blogger at Simple Indian Mom.


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  • Plan Wisely And Schedule 

“I am a creature of planning and scheduling. I plan everything ahead of time whether it is blogging or something other. Planning ahead gives me time to think and amend if anything goes wrong.

I schedule my posts, social media, and anything which is related to my blogs. Scheduling gives me the freedom to create better content and to share them on different platforms.” – Puspanjalee Das Dutta, Writing & Blogging Coach, Mompreneur & Blogger at My Writing, My World.


  • Read And Write Daily

“I read a lot of blogs across all genres and a lot of books. This helps me to write. I write every day even if I don’t post on my own blog.
Also, the articles I write are SEO optimized. I use several scheduling options to promote my blog posts. This keeps me free to do other stuff.” – Dr. Amrita Basu Misra, Doctor, Creative Content Planner, Author & Mom Blogger at healthwealthbridge
  • Write With Authenticity

“My blog’s success is not really about numbers in terms of page visits but it is about the connection with fellow bloggers and deepening friendships. Their repeated visits, week after week, tell me that my real-life every day growing up stories as a parent and as an individual touch a chord with them.
My success mantra is writing with complete authenticity and investing in building mutually fulfilling online relationships.” – Anamika Agnihotri Children’s Books Reviewer & Mommy Blogger at THE BESPECTACLED MOTHER.
  • Be Consistent In Blogging 

Consistency in blogging! This is my blogging mantra. While writing quality and meaningful content is important, updating your blog regularly is important too. Blogging consistently helps you find your voice and hones your writing as well.

Also, if you fail to blog regularly, your readers will have no reason to visit you and that impacts your traffic and stats as well.” – Shilpa Garg Book Reviewer, Short Story writer & Blogger at A Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose!.


Sum Up

I’m sure that the success mantra of popular bloggers shared here will be more attractive to you. Share with me, your most favorite success mantra of bloggers. I will be happier if at least one of you get inspired by their mantra and emerge into another popular blogger.


I would love to know about your blog success mantra too. Please do share it with us. If you love these success mantras, then don’t forget to share them with your friends too.


Thank you so much to all my blogger friends who shared their success mantra with our readers.


Linking this post for #MondayMusings hosted by Corinne, #HappySunday Link Up Party hosted by Menaka, Vasantha & Anubhuti.


This month, I will be posting for #MyFriendAlexa – India’s first and World’s Second only Blogging event using Alexa Rank and associated tools.

 This is my 4th post for #MyFriendAlexa Season 2. And I am taking my Alexa Rank to the next level with Blogchatter.

Previous Alexa Rating – Global: 9,54,115

 India:  44,791

Current Alexa Rating – Global:  8,54,174

India: 38,548


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48 thoughts on “Success Mantra Of Bloggers: 11 Popular Bloggers Revealing Their Secrets”

  1. Congratulations to My Sweet Nothings for completing three wonderful years! Wishing you and your lovely blog many more milestones Vasantha! Glad to be a part of the celebrations! Stay blessed!

  2. Congratulations Vasantha for your third blogoversary! Thanks for making me a part of the anniversary celebrations at MSN! Here’s to many more years of blogging and achieving your goals. Cheers!

  3. Hearty congratulations on this special anniversary, Vasantha. May you continue to thrive and grow as a blogger always. Thank you for including me in this list. I feel humbled, really 🙂

  4. Congrats on 3 years! My advise would be to write with your heart. If it makes you cry or smile, you have poured you heart 🙂 wishing you many more beautiful years in the world. Keep spreading joy!

  5. This is a gem of a post Vasantha for it carries a treasure trove of valuable advise for bloggers wanting to make a mark in the blogosphere. I commend you on the list of bloggers who listed here as I love and follow most of them. Thanks for sharing this! My key to better blogging is writing daily; reading/commenting/sharing on atleast 5-8 blogs daily and to help out others wherever possible!

  6. Congratulations Vasantha for completing 3 years of Blogging. Reading is my top priority each day. Thanks for the words of wisdom from these experienced bloggers.

  7. Happy Blog Anniversary Vasantha. I am really grateful to you for bringing these quotes at one place. They are all very inspiring and some food for thought. I have a lot to take away from this post. (running to get my journal and make notes)

  8. Wow, Know all these star Bloggers as friends.. Their insights will surely help many go a long way in the Blogging world.
    Thank you for sharing this.


  9. Some wonderful points that are shared by these bloggers 🙂 I agree with them. Consistency, regularity, reading others, proper feedback… everything counts towards engagement I think.

  10. Congratulations Vasantha… sorry could not wish you earlier due to offline mode for a week or so. Many many more milestones to come and these are some awesome tips from amazing bloggers. Thank you for sharing with us.

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